Bidra med feedback(Traduit Par Google) Nous sommes all d mistress au Gasthof Enemy mercredi dernier. Le plus jeune du groupe. _ Ne pouvait pas et n'était bien sur only authorized or entrer. Heureusement, propriétaires on the tout fait pour recher le certificat through ordinateur portable, lecture the carte, well, avons esiréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré. Tout le mouth était soulagé et après très bien mangé. Encore un grand merci pour cellui-ci! The youngest of the company (13j) his cell phone was broken, so no CST. Never printed it. Also not applied by an adult. Could and obviously couldn't get in. Fortunately, the owners did everything they could to track down the athlete through laptop, card reader... What's done, and it's been printed off two x for all of a sudden! SUPER! Everyone's relieved and they're still eating really good afterwards. Another fat merci!
(Translated by Google) Food and staff are great. A privileged place for a family dinner or celebrations. (Original view) Food and staff are great. Prime spot for a family diner or celebrations.
(Translated by Google) Comfortable stay in this place with an outdoor terrace located in a quiet area. Food is tasty and the proper and friendly service. One of my favorite places! (Original view) Gezellig vertoeven in deze zaak met rustig gelegen buitenterras. Het eten is lekker en de bediening correct en vriendelijk. Een van m'n favoriete locaties!
(Translated by Google) Super! I came to dinner with my family and they were each more than satisfied! My son ordered a child flying in the wind, my daughter a child spaghetti, my wife and I mussels (vijverhof) and we thought it was divine! We also found the very friendly service, they asked several times if everything was okay and if we needed something. Despite the oral masks, we could still see them smile by serving, beautiful weekend of work! More than recommended! Fred Manssens (Original view) Super! Ik ben met mijn gezin komen eten en ze waren elks meer dan tevreden! Mijn zoon heeft een kind vol au vent besteld, mijn dochter een kind spaghetti, mijn vrouw en ik de mosselen (vijverhof) en we vonden het hemels! Ook vonden we bediening erg vriendelijk, ze vroegen meerdere malen of alles in orde was en of we nog iets nodig hadden. Ondanks de mondmaskers konden we ze toch zien lachen tijdens het bedienen, toffe afsluiter van de werkweek! Meer dan een aanrader! Fred Manssens
Nice and nice garden. With a nice playground for the kids. The food was also very good and taken care of. The staff was also very kind.