Bidra med feedback(Translated by Google) Very good food and pleasant staff, which only prove once again the quality of the food that can be found in Belgium even outside the big cities. Prices are a little expensive and not a place where you can eat regularly but that is worth a visit. (Original advice) Very nice food and pleasant staff, which just serves to prove once again the quality of food that can be found in Belgium even outside the big cities. The prices are a little expensive and not somewhere you can eat regularly but worth a visit.
(Translated by Google) Enjoyed delicious Best fish stew ever prepared at the minute, a little wait but it really is worth it. a lot of fish I've been there several times not one regret. Very friendly and responsible staff (Madame) Come to your table if everything is in order. Certainly a winner to visit and enjoy a comfortable interior. (Original view) Heerlijk genoten Beste vispannetje ooit á la minuut klaargemaakt wel eventjes wachten maar zeker de moeite waard. veel vis Verschillende keren er al geweest nog geen enkele keer spijt gehad. Personeel heel vriendelijk en de verantwoordelijke (mevrouw) Komt aan je tafel of alles in orde is. Een topper zeker eens langs gaan en genieten ook een gezellig interieur .
(Translated by Google) It's not the cheapest we ate, but the quality is really at the top. I think the Friday fish menu is at a correct price. The sole is the most tasty I've ever eaten and the kibbelings were also excellent. Certainly recommended! (Original view) Niet het goedkoopste dat we al gegeten hebben, maar de kwaliteit is echt top. Het vismenu op vrijdag vind ik wel correct geprijsd. De slibtongetjes zijn de lekkerste die ik ooit gegeten heb en ook de kibbelings waren super. Zeker aanrader!
(Traduit par Google) Quelle expérience, et quel accueil, alors j'ai aussi antenduous dire qu'il voulaient arrator, et quérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés jérérérérérérérérérérés Mais après avoir moi-méme vécué ecu excellent soirée, your voudrais demander parce biais the continuer, et ain't nois donner, andcore the extent of the voudis. Et pouvoir profiter the I'hospitalité. MERCI (Avis d'origine) What an experience, and what a reception! So I've also heard that they want to stop now that I can understand that after all these years, they still want to enjoy life. But after having had a great night of my own, I'd like to ask this way to go on and give more people a chance to get off their giant good kitchen. And to enjoy hospitality. MERCIAL
(Translated by Google) On many occasions, many and many times, enjoy delicious and beautifully presented dishes. Wide choice of meat dishes, fish and game in season. Always provided with the necessary seasonal vegetables. Oliver guarantees well-stocked plates. You will be served with a smile, from amuse to aperitif to dessert. (Original view) Keer op keer , telkens opnieuw genieten van de overheerlijke en mooi gepresenteerde gerechten. Ruime keuze vlees-, screw-, tijdens het seizoen wildgerechten. Altijd voorzien van de nodige seizoensgroenten. Oliver staat guarantor voor goedgevulde borden. Van de amusekes bij het aperititief tot bij het nagerecht wordt je met de glimlach bediend.