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Bidra med feedbackWednesday, October 20, 2021 11:00 It arrived at the same time as the store opened on weekdays, but one group has already waited for the store to open. This is expected. The parking lot is a few spaces in front of the store, so it would be a problem if it gets crowded. A female clerk opens immediately. There are 6 seats at the counter and 3 seats for 4 people. It 's a relatively new store, but the interior is quite clean. There was previous information that Levanilla was delicious, so I ordered The World 's Strongest Levanilla 700 yen without tax and Garlic Fried Rice 690 yen without tax . Fried rice first arrives in about 10 minutes. Very good. And because it 's freshly made, it 's hot enough to burn you. Because it 's garlic, I imagined it had a strong taste, but the garlic wasn 't as strong as it should be, and it had a savory scent. This is safe for work in the afternoon. Arrived at Levanilla after eating a few mouthfuls. This is also wonderful. The liver is hidden under the bean sprouts, but are there nearly 10 large pieces? Maybe the liver is fresh, I don 't feel any odor, and the roasting is exquisite. Not too hard and not too soft. Bean sprouts and garlic also have enough crispness and I like them. The taste is quite strong, so you may have different tastes, but I think it 's irresistible for people who like Gaten. This combination is ant because the fried rice is surprisingly modest. By the way, the soup that comes with fried rice is quite tasty. There was a lot of word of mouth that the shop owner didn 't wear a mask, but when I went there, I didn 't take it off from beginning to end. It 's lively, and the female clerk is also serving customers. It was almost full by the time the customers came home one after another while eating. It 's no wonder that this Nirareba is so popular that it seems to be addictive. I want to repeat if it is nearby. Thank you for the meal. Original 2021年10月20日(水)11:00 平日の開店同時の到着だが、すでに一組が開店待ち。コレは期待。 駐車場は店の前2、3のスペースなので混んできたら困りそう。 すぐに女性店員の方がオープン。 カウンターが6席、4人がけの上がり席が3卓ほどか。 比較的新しい店舗なのか、なかなか清潔感のある店内。 レバニラが旨いとの前情報があったので、「世界最強のレバニラ」 税抜700円 と「ガーリックチャーハン」 税抜690円 をオーダー。 10分ほどでまずチャーハンが先着。 なかなかの盛りの良さ。そして出来立てほやほやなので火傷するほど熱い。 ガーリックだからケッコー濃い味を想像してたけど、意外とニンニクは強くなく、ホドヨク香る程度。コレなら午後仕事でも安心。 2、3口食したとこでレバニラ到着。 コレも盛りが素晴らしい。 レバーはもやしの下に隠れてるが、大振りのものが10切れ近くあるだろうか。 レバーは新鮮なのか、臭みは全く感じないし、焼き加減は絶妙。硬過ぎずやわ過ぎず。 モヤシとニラもシャキシャキ感が十分残ってるし、好みだ。 味はかなり濃いめなので、好みは分かれるかもしれないが、ガテン系が好きな人にはたまらないと思う。 チャーハンが意外と控えめなので、この組み合わせはアリ。 ちなみにチャーハンにつくスープはかなりお味濃いめかな。 店主がマスクをしていないとの口コミが目立ったが、自分が行った時は終始外さずキチンとしてましたよ。活気もあるし、女性店員さんもキチンと接客してる。 食べている間にも続々と来店客が続いて帰る頃にはほぼ満席。 このニラレバ、病みつきになりそうなので人気なのも頷ける。 近くにあればリピしたいな。 ごちそうさまでした。
2022.9 ラーメン+純レバ丼のセットを注文 純レバ丼は茶碗ぐらいの大きさ 片栗粉の衣がかかったニンニク醤油の味付けレバーがゴロゴロのっています。途中で卵黄を割り食べました。美味すぎてメチャクチャテンション上がりました。 ラーメンは醤油、塩が選べ今回は醤油を選びました。甘味のある醤油味でした。純レバ丼セットと考えると両方味が濃いせいか後半食べ飽きてしまいました。次は塩味のセットを頼もうと思います。
Chinese soba shop in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture From National Highway No. 6 in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, turn left at the intersection in front of Matsubacho Ryokuchi on Keyaki Dori, and it is 200m on your left. It seems to be proud of the taste that incorporates Japanese cooking techniques in addition to the traditional Chinese noodle preparation that took time and effort. It says that Chinese noodles are recommended, but in reality it seems that Leva is recommended. Using fresh pork liver in the morning This time March 26, 2022 , it was good that the strongest fried Levanilla was the same as the Levanilla set meal. I ordered a Levanilla set meal. Even if you say garlic, there are few bean sprouts garlic There is a lot of stir-fry oil, so it 's a little heavy at the end. The liver was big and certainly delicious because it didn 't smell and wasn 't overcooked. Thanks for the meal The number of seats is counter, table 25 seats Payment card impossible Electronic money impossible QR payment impossible Reservation possible Tobacco allowed Business hours 11: 00-15: 00 17: 30-21: 30 Monday holiday The location is about 4 minutes by car about 1.5 b and about 15 minutes on foot about 1200 m from JR Kitakashiwa Station. Parking lot: 10 cars Original 千葉県柏市にある中華蕎麦のお店 千葉県柏市国道6号線からけやき通りを松葉町緑地の手前に交差点を左折し200m左手にある 昔ながらの中華そばで昔ながらの手間暇をかけた仕込みに加え和食の技法も取り入れた味が自慢のようです 中華そばがお勧めのように書いてあるが実際はレバがお勧めのようだ 朝〆の新鮮な豚レバーを使用している 今回 2022年03月26日 は最強のレバニラ炒めはレバニラ定食と同じだといい事だったの レバニラ定食を注文。 ニラと言ってもほぼ「もやし」ニラは少な目 炒め油が多いので最後の頃はちっと重い レバは大きめ確かに臭み無くて焼き過ぎも無いので美味しかった ごちそうさまです 席数はカウンター、テーブル25席位 支払カード 不可 電子マネー 不可 QR決済 不可 予約可 たばこ可 営業時間 11:00~15:00 17:30~21:30 月休 場所はJR北柏駅から車約4分 約1.5ロ 、徒歩約15分 約1200m 駐車場:10台
柏近辺でおいしいランチを探していたところ、こちらのレバー専門店が人気店ということで初訪問しました。 駐車場が少ないが何とか駐車できました。 お昼前に行きましたが、既に4組待ちでした。 限定10食?のレバーのラーメンとレバー丼を注文しました。どちらも肉厚なレバーでとてもおいしかったです。 次回は定食を注文したいと思いました。
Fried Sardine Ramen is aバランス soup with sardines, and it is delicious and fried rice. The Fried Sardine and Fried Sardine are also Sardine and Fried Sardine. Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried Fried