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Bidra med feedback(Translated by Google) A trade that deserves its fame, an honest and balanced cuisine, local influences, one would believe in the best bistro restaurants in Paris. I never ate anything that didn't surprise me. Top in Haacht. I hope he stays long. (Notice of origin) Een zaak die de bekendheid verdiend , eerlijke keuken super uitgebalanceerd , lokale invloeden , je voelt je er als in de beste Parijse bistro’s restaurants . Nog geen enkele maal iets gegeten dat mij niet verbaasde. Top in Haacht. Hoop dat hij nog lang blijft.
(Traduit par Google) Il y a 2 ans, j'ai découvert cette brasserie derrator l'église dances l'an cienne distillery the neighbours, grosss rérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés Depuis lors, your suis ici chaque semaine. And tant que responsable the la restauration à la retraite, your peux dire la main sur le cérère que Tom. _ Mon slogan *** Meilleure's salutations à tous lecturers, Frankie. Since then, I've been here weekly. As retired Horeca manager, with my hand on my heart, I can tell that Tom, my owner, and patterns behind the stove, surprise me with his delicious grief suggestions, o.a., now, I'm prepared to have a vegetable vegetable for the porks, which I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, I's, I's, I've got a s, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, and I's, I's, I's, I's, I's, I's, and I's, and I's, I's, I's, I's, and I's, I's, I's, I's, I's, I' Serving at the table by lovely teachers, rapidly, with a smile on although this is five stars and more worth. Are you in Haacht or nearby and you're feeling a little or a hunger, then go to the Volle Pot there, it's fine. My lizard is the Volle Pot where food and delicious is Ps: The places are limited to good advice, so you need to make a reservation for the weekend... Greetings to all readers, Frankie.
(Translated by Google) Super nice and competent staff. Looks like the old brown pound coffee. Nostalgic place on the Haacht bell tower. For a small bite, delicate or supersteack. Something for everyone. This is a comeback, not one-timer here, I come back with good friends. (Original view) Super vriendelijk en bekwaam personeel. Lijkt oud Bruin Cafe vanuit de boekjes. Nostalgisch plekje aan de kerktoren van Haacht. Voor kleine hap, delicatesse of supersteack. Voor elks wat. Dit is een terugkomer, geen onetimer hier kom ik met goede vrienden terug.
(Translated by Google) Old authentic inn with many antiques. Friendly service, emperor Karel of the barrel and tasty tapas. You can also eat for a reasonable price (all dishes less than 30 euros). (Original view) Authentieke oude herberg met veel antiek. Vriendelijke bediening, Keizer Karel van ́t vat en lekkere tapas. I kunt hier ook eten voor een schappelijke prijs (alle gerechten onder 30 euro).
A cozy eating cafe price quality and very cared for and kindly a rapist.