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Bidra med feedbackOne between Sit Bagginne Descartes. Oh, yeah. Enfane Hatt of Natolywood. Van Gogh's light cloud and climber, Andy Orden Ments San Gabe. Bsons in Fallton. They hear, hear, and hear it in the glories of Ovin. Verschen C Hierina. Stomboli andnd El Wion Boulez and Benphalusmperen. Ethan Ci Darov, DJ Booter, early in Tasman, this adamo Z proben. And the old. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord of the Lord, This is Arabic, we are not. You are so far as to this. O’Hawaa and al-Hawaa al-Hawaa al-Hawaawaa al-Hawaaawaa al-Hawaaawaaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaawaawaaawaaawaaawaawaawaaawaawaawaawaawaaawaaawaawaawaawaaawaawaaawaawaawaawaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaawaaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawaaawa
Acceptable and satisfactory food quality I think their prices are also reasonable In terms of location, it is a bit old and tried to be remembered in the traditional way, and I think it was not very successful. Of course, its small size is quite obvious and can have the largest space depending on the size of the customer. In terms of access, it is almost in the middle of the city and it is good Of course, the parking lot does not have a complex But Josh is a way to park and not too annoying. کیفیت غذا قابل قبوله و رضایت بخش قیمت هاشون هم مناسبه به نظرم از نظر مکان یه مقدار قدیم و سعی شده که به شکل سنتی در بیاد و به نظرم خیلی موفق نبودن. البته کوچیکه بودنش کاملا مشهوده و میتونه فضای بزرگترین با توجه به حجم مشتری داشته باشه. از نظر دسترسی هم تقریبا وسط شهر حساب میشه و خوبه البته پارکینگ نداره خود مجموعه ولی جاش یه جوره که میشه پارک کرد و خیلی اذیت کننده نیست.
Hello, excellent quality and ethics as well, I recommend that you use it at least once, you will not regret it سلام کیفیت عالی و اخلاق هم همچنین ،توصیه میکنم حداقل یه بار استفاده کنید ،پشیمون نمی شین
Delicious eating but has simple environment
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