Bidra med feedback"I use it every week. I am satisfied with all the menus more than the price. Not only curry but also chaomin, yakisoba, and the hidden menu fried rice cha-han are recommended! The portion is also generous haha. They also make takeout quickly. Manager Sanju is very friendly and the restaurant is lively. I think it is a more casual place to enter than other Indian and Nepalese restaurants."
Recently, Indian-Nepalese restaurants have been expanding all over the country. In most cases, Nepalese people are running the restaurants, with curry and naan being their main specialties. I love this type of restaurant, so whenever I find one, I make sure to try it, but this one is particularly delicious. The tandoori chicken is cooked to perfection. One notable feature is that they offer not only regular naan and cheese naan, but also garlic naan. Their dinner set comes with saffron rice, and both naan and rice are refillable, which is very generous. Additionally, the smiling faces of the staff, even though they are wearing masks, is a nice touch. I really hope this restaurant survives the challenges of the pandemic.
The energetic and considerate service from the young Indian staff was impressive. The best part is that you can get free refills on naan or rice during lunch, so you can replenish your energy. The food is delicious and you will definitely end up eating too much. I recommend trying the chai or lassi for drinks, as it is an Indian restaurant after all. I definitely want to go back again!
何を食べてもおいしいお店です。 知人に「ここいいですよ~」と聞き、足を運んで以来すっかりファンになってしまいました。 店内の異国感溢れる雰囲気も素敵ですが、なにより店員さんのサービスが最高です。 皆さんどうしてあんなに日本語お上手なんでしょうか。 そしてこちらのお店は、なんといってもナンが本当においしいです。 今まで食べたナンの中で一番おいしいと断言できます。 ふかふか、あつあつ、カリカリでほんのり甘いナンは、冗談抜きで何枚でも食べてしまいます。危険です。 店員さんの「ナンのおかわりいかがですか?」が、絶妙なタイミングなのもありがたい…! 一度でも行ったことのある方なら、この気持ちをお分かりいただけるはず。 大好きなお店です、また伺います!
ナンにも種類があってあんこナン、ナンピザは家族が大好き。 店内飲食時にナン、ライスお代わり無料。ナンは大きいから1枚でも十分だけど2枚目いきたいおいしさ。 カレーの辛さは選べるので辛いのが苦手な方でも食べれる。日替わりカレーあり。 店員さん皆いい人。テイクアウト500円。