Spenat Tårta Restauranger i The Bronx
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Stad: The Bronx, 1229 Castle Hill Ave, The Bronx, United States
"The Mexican food at this restaurant is incredibly authentic, especially their delicious burritos. They provide small containers of their green and red..."
Genomsnittspriset för Spenat Tårta är:
82 kr
Dessa recensioner avser endast de nämnda ingredienserna.
Very yummy recipe Also very forgiving and very versatileI have made this many times with success.
I loved it. I used regular feta cheese and added a small amount of Italian Seasoning.
omg i wanted to make two of these so doubled the recipe and with 2 cups of milk and 8 eggs way toooooooo much liquid! probably one cup of milk for 8 eggs :( now what do I do with all this egg/mi